Monday, February 27, 2012


I know I'm a lucky man. I have two great little boys and a beautiful wife. Plus my beautiful wife endures my requests to sit in as a test subject when I want to try new lighting or gear or whatever. The other day she decided to dress up in a cute little outfit and I had a backdrop that I figured would match nicely. 
I was most happy with the above shot, which was taken while Nina was just looking at her shoes, unaware I was about to take the photo. To me it captures her true beauty. I know she has a great smile too but to me it is the candid nature of this shot that really works. It seems like I have been forever trying to get this shot. One that I knew existed but I had never captured.
That's the funny thing with photography. We are always trying to smile or look our best for the camera, when just being natural is the most interesting and the most realistic view into who we really are.
I just had to ad this photo with Nina's shoes. She loves them and I have to agree, they are pretty cool!
So, for me this test shoot was doubly productive. Yes, I was able to get the lighting look I wanted to achieve but more importantly, I caught Nina in her subtle beauty that had been looking to capture for so long.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Straight to video.

Once in a while one is pushed in a new direction, not in a bad way but more in an unexpected way. I was recently asked to quote on a job needing video coverage. Knowing full well that I have a camera that is capable of shooting film worthy HD video, I thought I had better give it a shot. This short video is my introduction to video work. I don't know if there is a huge market for video work around here but if I'm already being asked to do video work by PR agencies, then I guess I should be ready!
I have ideas for more video projects. I really enjoy the medium of video but I am by no means a video snob. I don't have a favourite director, movie, genera or anything. I just like the artistic and editorial value that this medium has to offer. You can really tell a story in a different way than in still photography.

Shooting stills is still my bread and butter and I love it! This is just another arrow in my quill...