Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Doll Town

You never know what you're going to find until you open that door. There are many cool businesses operating around here and I'm lucky enough to be called out to do photos for some of them.
Bamboletta Dolls are hand made here in the valley and are well known for their quality and style. Christina, the owner, needed some photos for a craft magazine that was doing an article on her and her business.
I did some photos of Christina amongst her creations and then a group shot with the ladies who work with her at the shop. Walking into this shop is what I imagine it would be like if one were to visit Santa's workshop (minus the elves). These ladies are all busy cutting fabric and sewing these dolls for little ones to love. What a great cottage industry. I only say that because the shop really does have a cosy-cottage feel to it. 
Before I left, I took a few shots of Christina and her son just because you never have too many photos of your kids!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Tis the Season!

Those of you who live in Duncan may know of the relatively new bike shop, Cycle Therapy. Lots of cool bike stuff that you won't find elsewhere.
I was there to do some photos of their customer appreciation night and then I came back the next day to do some Christmas photos for their ad in the newspaper.
Dave and his wife, Sandra have a really great shop.
This was just one of those chance photos that happened before I put my camera away. Fun stuff!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Ho, ho, ho!

I had fun doing the photos for the United Way's Santa Shuffle this past Sunday. With over 200 Santas running and walking the course, it was quite a sight to see!

To view all the photos, just click on the picture above and you will be redirected to my skydrive.
Photos are available for $10 with partial proceeds going back to the Cowichan United way. Contact me if you are interested :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I live in the small town town of Duncan which is great. The old downtown has such a nice feel to it. You can walk ten minutes and cover the whole core area. This area has many nice boutique shops, restaurants and coffee shops and it just great to spend time there. I just finished up a job for the downtown business association which was looking to get photos of the window displays of the local shops. I thought that was great that they wanted me to do it. I just had to take photos of shop windows. Not really. That is what I possibly could have done. But I had bigger plans. Plans on making downtown Duncan look like a place to come and check out and take in the holiday feel. After all, these photos were to be used for publication with my name there for all to see so I wanted to produce something I'd be proud of.
I had originally thought of using some people I know to model for the photos but with the weather here (often raining) and work and school schedules that people have it was going to be difficult to arrange. I realized the solution was right in front of me. My beautiful family!
So we set out to do our photo shoot one afternoon just as the light was getting to be about the way I wanted it and suddenly the sky opened up and the rain poured down. As we drove I could see breaks in the clouds so we carried on. We got to our destination and sat in my van and waited. The rain was easing off! And then it stopped. We got out and set up in front of Fabrications boutique clothing store and got to work.

The photo above is what I had envisioned and it worked out just right. You can see the reflection of my wife's face and just a hint that she's holding our baby, while our four year old gazes into the window in awe of the display.
Just before packing up, Nina (my wife) suggested another angle. So I looked at it and set up the lights and it worked! It really worked! It is the photo on the top of the page. Lots of reflected light, glimmering decorations and great interaction between Nina and our baby.

A few days later I had another idea...
I thought a pure shopping street scene would be good, taking in some of the character of downtown Duncan. Lucky for me, my sister-in-law (Camila) and niece were available on short notice.
Timing a scene like this is not easy. The intersection in the background had a steady flow of cars going by and waiting for pedestrians to pass felt never ending. We were waiting around more than we were actually shooting.
Judging by how many of the photos I took have my niece's feet off the ground, I'd say she was actually having as much fun as me!
My wife and son enjoyed being part of the process as well. It really was a great family project.

I also took a multitude of the requisite window photos which I simply do not have room to show here. Go downtown and see them for yourself. You won't be disappointed!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Portraits made easy.

Every once in a while you do photos for someone and it just clicks. I know, it is my job to provide the best possible photos every single time but with Cory Towriss, a lawyer at Orchard and Company here in Duncan, it was just easy.
Cory came to me looking for some business portraits that would look a bit different than what you'd normally get. At least here in Duncan... That got me excited. I love it when people come to me for what I offer instead of just because they "need" to get some photos done.
I spent a fair bit of time scouting locations for the shoot as Cory had a vision of what she was looking for and so did I. I came up with two locations that I really liked. The hallway with windows, seen in the first two photos, and this metal wall.
Cory and I instantly had this comfort working with each other which made for a super-smooth photo shoot. Not to mention she smiled easily and naturally and could also put on the serious face when asked.
And finally Cory thought she'd like a more natural setting to finish up with and it was a good time to wrap up as the sun was dissappearing and it was getting cold.
Who said lawyers aren't fun?