Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What is your intention?

I have to wonder why people take photos of strangers in public.
I personally don't do this for a number of reasons. Even though someone may look interesting, I can't bring myself to take a candid photo of someone I don't know without their expressed consent. It just seems creepy to me that people take "street" photos of strangers. I know this is the best way to capture a truly candid shot but what are you going to do with it? Whenever I sell a photo with a model as the subject, it has to be accompanied by a release form of consent. So "street" photos for me are also a waste of time (and money if I happen to be shooting film).
Recently, I was in Victoria with my wife and boys for a little day out and we were in China Town, about to head to a restaurant for dinner when I noticed a guy with a not so subtle DSLR taking photos of us. I didn't think much of it at first but after a moment I though about this guy's intentions. Maybe he just wanted a candid street shot. My boys were both looking pretty cute and I was, well, just myself. But I did have a cool Goorin Brothers hat on that I picked up at Outlooks For Men. That must have been it :) At any rate, it got me thinking. Would I have felt better if he had come over to me after taking the photo and explained who he was and what he was doing? Yes. That would have been nice. Was he some creep with bad intentions? Probably not but who knows?
Maybe I put too much thought into this. I just don't see the point of taking photos of people you don't know, photos that you have little legal right to sell, unless you are a paparazzi. But seriously, think about it before taking photos of children unless you have the consent of the parent. Otherwise you are opening yourself up to a lot of potential trouble!
OK, I'm done venting ;)


  1. A neighbour took a photo of the girls one day while we were out walking. The girls were camera shy but the woman kept snapping away. I told her to stop because the girls weren't comfortable and she kept at it! Later I wished I'd said something stronger to make her realize what she was doing wasn't right. I pity the next fool who takes pics of my kids without asking me or without their consent. I've got my defence ready!

    1. How do you put up with a neighbour like that? ;)
      Don't be afraid to stand your ground,especially when it comes to protecting your kids!

  2. We were getting out wedding photos taken in Government house in Victoria last summer and we were all posed with the photographer, and some guy just walks up and starts taking our photos.. my photographer was understandably a little choaked as were we.. no idea who that guy was.. people are weird..

    1. You really have to wonder about some people. Why would this guy start snapping away during someone else's wedding photo session? Did he think he would use the photos in his portfolio? Crazy!
