Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Let's get Physio!

OK, I know that has to be the corniest title ever. I just couldn't get that stupid song out of my head!

Vince Avery is a physiotherapist and owner of South Cowichan Physiotherapy. He had me come in and do some photos for a new website for the business. Some staff head shots and photos of some of the equipment in use.
The first photo is pretty self-explanatory - the treadmill in use. I arranged this shot so you could see the huge wall map of the world in the mirror reflection and the exercise balls just off to the side. The model was lit from both sides and just slightly to the front on the left side to get more light on his face. The light on the right side was slightly behind to get some light on, you guessed it, his back side... You need to light more when playing with mirrors there is more visible...

 When talking to Vince he was telling me how great it was that he could now access client's x-rays electronically. I thought - why not put that into some context in a photo. You see the client who is recovering from a bad clavicle break (see very long scar) and you see the x-ray of the titanium plate and staples. Fun stuff!

And you have to get some interesting detail shots like a client receiving an acupuncture treatment.

The office has these huge solid cedar doors that just had to see some attention. I thought they'd make a nice background to the head shots. With a little light on them to separate the subject from the background they really worked out nicely.


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