Saturday, March 5, 2011

I guess it's official!

Birthdays and birthday cakes come and go, every year according to my calculations... Some are more memorable than others and this time I had a birthday cake to remember. It was a fantastic creation my wife came up with. A camera. While the exact model and brand may not be readily apparent by looking at it, I can guarantee you it tasted way better than my Canon 7D!

Those techie camera types out there will notice the built-in, 5-candle light auto-focus assist lamp for low-light conditions. Very cool! It even had a choice of good picture/bad picture modes, designated by the green/red smarty trigger buttons. Very user friendly.
I can't honestly remember the last time I had a really memorable cake. I know my mom made some when I was a kid, maybe 30 years ago, but I've never had one as an adult. It was pretty fun! Now I have a better understanding of the excitement my son and his friends have when their eyes light up as their moms' bring in their beautifully decorated Thomas the Tank Engine, or R2D2, or Cars themed cakes. These cakes mark a significant period in one's life. My cake could not have been more perfect for where I am right now. I guess I'm a photographer. My cake is proof...

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT!!!! That smarty trigger must come in very handy.
